What Happens After Root Canal Therapy?

Tooth CrossYou’ve had a successful root canal procedure, the pain is gone, infection is cleaned out, but that’s not the end of the story. In our previous blog, we outlined the five stages of a root canal. Let’s talk more about Stage 5—Placing a permanent restoration.

The Process

In stage 2, we had to make a small hole to access the inside of the tooth, and remove the pulp, nerves and any infection. We then had to use the hole to fill and seal the canals. Since the seal is only designed as a temporary barrier, a decision must be made about what the permanent restoration will be. The two options available are a filling or a crown.

Filling vs. Crown

Our dentist recommends these caps, as the repaired tooth may become brittle due to the hole in the middle. Covering the tooth provides an extra layer of stability to the repair and helps prevent complications that may occur with fillings.

While the root canal may save the tooth from further infection, it does not save the tooth from weakening.

Tooth decay, as well as having a large amount of dental tissue removed during a root canal, weakens the tooth, and leaves the tooth at risk of crumbling when subjected to the pressure of chewing and grinding.

A dental restoration will:

  • Cover the tooth, reinforce its outer structure, and keep it from crumbling
  • Protect sensitive teeth from heat, cold, pressure, acid and sugar
  • Hide discoloured teeth
  • Prevent future infections

Whether you need this additional replacement after therapy depends also on where the tooth is located in the mouth. Teeth towards the back of the mouth, like molars and premolars, are necessary for chewing, and generally require crowns. Incisors or canines aren’t needed for chewing, so they may be filled unless a cosmetic reason exists.

Ultimately, the patient chooses the material for their permanent restoration.

Need Help With Your Decision?

Our helpful staff will be happy to discuss the options available to you, so you can make an informed choice. Call us today!

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.

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